Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stroke? or Red Carpet Success?

Kat and I embarked on our first ever Red Carpet. It's a really cool adrenaline rush! I remember hundreds of flashing lights, my mouth hurting from smiling so long (now I know why everyone does that stupid pouting face, just to get a break!) and lots of people screaming "ShortBusBunnies! Over Here! Look This Way!" Sure they didn't know who we were but the second two cute chicks start hugging on the red-carpet, that's news worthy!!!
Now we know. Next time - it's full on lesbian love!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I was coming on here to brag about our awesome friends and our kick-dat-ass music video shoot... and I must say - I'm DAMN PROUD of my biz-naz partna in crime! She beat me to it. Well, she was running and I was walking... on my HANDS!!! :D

The things I'm most boastful of: 1). the amount of really hot girls we had in the shoot. 2). the amount of really hot guys we had in the shoot 3). the fact that we even had really hot crew guys. 4). the roommate of the chic we were borrowing the house of - hot. 5) the three cats living across the street, crazy harem style - super hot.

2 nonconsecutive days of incessant fun and laughter. Having a comedy website in LA while you work another job to pay the bills... it's pretty f'in bad ass. I love everyone. All of our fans. peace. FreshK

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Friends are better than yours!

So Kat and I just recently wrapped up our first music video shoot! It was our biggest production thus far (until one of you loyal fans makes it rain) equipt with a green-screen and like 20 of our talented, hilarious friends! There was one snag - our friends are too hot. We were going for funny and we had to continually remind the saucy masses that they need NOT act sexy - it was SEX-OVERLOAD! and then the oh-so-hot and oh-so-funny boys dropped by to take the video up ten notches! As soon as our editor finishes his philanthropic efforts - we will have it for your viewing pleasure. It will be better than the AbRipper P90x - it's so funny. Seriously.
"HIZZIE" IN THE HOUSE!!! (post-production house)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

May the best Fluffer Win!

My unofficial definition of "Fluffer" is someone who keeps the man excited so that that his interest is peeked for the climatic scene.
In the entertainment business of LA we can use this term more broadly. I had an interview today where I simply told the plain truth and did not try to "sell" myself, and infact was quite modest about what assets I have available that I could bring to the table. Dumb. This business requires that you be a good sales person and braggadocios bravado is KEY! I need to learn to "gild the lilly," as it were, and talk myself up! I have another interview lined up so, although my practice run may have been a bit nieve, I have been listening to 80's Gangsta Rap for the past six hours straight so that I can tell that mutha-f*cka what a fly-bitch I am and then pop my glock(?), slap that pimp in the face and tell him I don't even need his busted-ass!... But I will sign on the dotted line for the right amount of cheddar.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bite Me Karaoke Dude!

Yo - how the hell did you get into our blog, man? I thought your song sucked, by the way - and your anal wasn't all that great either! --kat